Promo image from http://www.runtimedna.com/newsletter/2015_10_29/index.html
No one seems to know, or those that do know aren’t saying why, but Aeon Soul is closing down their Runtime DNA store. Everything there is currently discounted 40%. There has been some speculation that Aeon Soul is set to make DAZ 3D their primary outlet, but who knows. Let’s hope this isn’t another case where the artist throws everything away to reappear sometime later with a new name. Like when Aery Soul went on to be AlfaseeD, with a whole pile of cool content being lost. I think some further content was lost as AlfaseeD went on to become Aeon Soul.
So, pickup the stuff at RDNA while you get the chance, because it might soon be gone forever. You can also find Aeon Soul’s store at DAZ 3D. One can only guess at the motivations for this and the previous moves, name changes, and content dumps. In any case, best luck to Aeon with whatever is cooking.
Oh, but it is almost assuredly exactly that same thing…they’ve done it several times, not just switching from AerySoul to AlfaSeed. Before they were AerySoul they went by AwfulSoul and before that, something else…this is going to be the sixth (I think) name change (most likely) since they started in this business many years ago (late 90s/early 2000s). And every time it happens, part of their catalog is never to be seen again.
I’d heard there were some previous name changes. I’ve only been doing this 3D stuff since 2011, so that’s all before my time on the scene, but I have seen some amazing stuff that has the artist’s fingerprints. It is a shame that such unique and visually striking content becomes lost.
Originally they were Az Shanim, IIRC. It’s really annoying how the RDNA newsletter starts with a promo for one of their recent clothing sets featuring their old non-revived Liltsure hair that I hadn’t managed to grab at Rendo before Aery Soul jumped ship all those years ago. At least they make a show out of it these days…
I tend to miss these things, even when they are advertised. So many emails and sales all the time that the more significant events like this just slip by, but yes indeed, it is good that this has been made more visible. I didn’t get everything I wanted, but those are the breaks.